Principios del movimiento

Online at your own ryhtm

Movement Principles

monitor-yellow Online a tu ritmo
meeting-board-yellow Movement Principles Online
Duración del curso 16 Horas
trending-up-yellow Especialización
headphones-yellow English
book-open-yellow 6 lessons
calendar-yellow Online at your own rythm
graduation-cap-yellow Polestar International Diploma

Online at your own ryhtm

Movement Principles

Why should you choose our course?


To deepen and improve in the practice and teaching of movement, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles that drive our body. These principles will help you to develop your critical thinking, and are applicable to any discipline, be it Yoga, Pilates, running, dance, strength training…


The Polestar Principles of Movement online course will serve as your instruction manual in the practice and teaching of movement. In the more than 16 hours of the course, you will learn the 6 fundamental principles, how to relate this information to the exercises and how to apply them to your needs and those of your students.


Moreover, as it is 100% online you will have our powerful educational platform, and you will be able to complete the course at your own pace, with your own schedule and from wherever you want.


Learn the basics you need to become a professional in the field of movement


  • Critical reasoning


  • Scientific basis


  • International Pilates School


You will learn without hindrance

What does the course consist of?


The course contains more than 17 hours of video divided into 12 lessons taught by Juan Nieto. In each lesson, we will go deeper into the 6 principles of movement, and you will finish the lesson with a quiz that will help you to identify your mastery of the subject.


The 6 Principles of Movement according to Polestar


  • Principle 1: Breathing


  • Principle 2: Mobility


  • Principle 3: Control


  • Principle 4: Alignment


  • Principle 5: Load


  • Principle 6: Movement Integration



The course will end with a live online tutorial where you will be able to solve all your doubts, as well as the possibility to communicate through our online platform if you want to discuss any specific topic along the way.


Advantages of the Online format


The quality and scientific basis of Polestar, always in constant evolution.


You can access and review the contents whenever you want.


Supplementary material for further information on the topics covered.


Quizzes to help you fix the most important information and know exactly how many new concepts and ideas you have learned.


Exclusive student forum where you can discuss among classmates and with your teachers.


If you already have experience practising movement and are thinking of making the leap to becoming a teacher, this is your great opportunity to move up a level and set yourself apart. Thanks to this course, you will gain the understanding you need to build a solid and successful professional career.

Contenido del curso

6 units | 6 months unlimited access | 16 hours
1. Breathing

4 video lessons and 4 review quizzes

2. Axial Elongation

6 video lessons and 6 review quizzes

3. Spinal articulation

2 video lessons and 2 review quizzes

4. Head, neck and shoulder organisation

2 video lessons and 2 review quizzes

5. Alignment and weight bearing

2 video lessons and 2 review quizzes

6. Movement Integration

2 video lessons and 2 review quizzes


Who is it for?


Graduates in Physiotherapy

Movement and Pilates practitioners

Teachers and advanced students

Enthusiasts who want to go deeper

If you want to make your hobby your profession


Profesores del curso

Brent Anderson

Presidente de Polestar Pilates Education y reconocido fisioterapeuta, especialista en fisioterapia ortopédica con más de 25 años de experiencia, Brent es un experto en el desarrollo y evolución de técnicas para la rehabilitación en el campo de la medicina deportiva y Pilates. Ha sido ponente en multitud de conferencias y es consultor de hospitales, universidades, compañías médicas y de rehabilitación de todo el mundo. Brent es propietario y director del Centro Polestar de fisioterapia y Pilates en Miami, todo un referente del uso de Pilates para la rehabilitación.


Preguntas frecuentes

1. ¿En qué consisten los cursos avanzados de Polestar?

Los cursos avanzados de Polestar son cursos monográficos con una alto grado de especialización en áreas concretas del Pilates.

2. ¿Cuánto tiempo tengo para realizar los cursos avanzados?

Dispones de 6 meses desde que adquieres el curso para poder completarlo y recibir tu titulación. Si no has completado el curso en estos 6 meses y quieres continuar con tu formación, deberás abonar las tasas para poder seguir teniendo acceso al curso.

Los cursos avanzados están pensados para poder realizarlos entre 1 y 3 meses, y otros 3 meses para poder repasar y afianzar los conocimientos aprendidos en el curso.

3. ¿Es posible realizar los cursos avanzados en otros idiomas?

Actualmente tenemos versiones en inglés del curso de Principios del Movimiento y de Dolor Lumbar Crónico. Si deseas realizar los cursos en inglés, puedes ponerte en contacto con

4. ¿Qué titulación obtengo después de haber hecho un curso avanzado de Polestar?

Una vez hayas realizado todos los cuestionarios y realizado las tareas del curso recibirás un diploma internacional de Polestar del curso que hayas realizado.

Los cursos avanzados están pensados para completar tu formación y adquirir nuevos conocimientos que te permitirán ser un/a instructor/a de Pilates más completo/a.
Principios del movimiento
monitor-yellow Online a tu ritmo
meeting-board-yellow Movement Principles Online
Duración del curso 16 Horas
trending-up-yellow Especialización
headphones-yellow English
book-open-yellow 6 lessons
calendar-yellow Online at your own rythm
graduation-cap-yellow Polestar International Diploma